May 20–23, 2025
Not your average AI Conference
Bridging the gaps between technical and non-technical, theory and practice, academia and industry, current capabilities and future trends, Upper Bound pushes beyond the basics to deliver an AI conference like no other.
Be one of the thousands of AI professionals, researchers, business leaders, entrepreneurs, investors, and students from around the globe to gather in Edmonton this spring to discuss, debate, and design a positive AI future.
6,000+ Attendees
200+ Sessions
250+ Speakers
Choose your experience
⚡Flash Sale⚡
Conference Pass
$250 (Reg: $500)
Whats included
4 Days + One BIG Party
3 Main Stages + 4 Breakout Stages
200+ Presentations, Panels, Salons, Networking Events, Social Events, a Career Fair + More
For a limited time:
Get the full Upper Bound experience at half the price.
6,000+ Attendees
200+ Sessions
250+ Speakers
FLASH SALE passes are fully refundable up to 60 days before the conference.
Grab your pass